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Men and Woman hug each other - Unmarried Partner Visa

A Unmarried partner visa UK is a permanent residence visa for those who have been granted a qualifying relationship with a UK citizen or permanent resident.

Unmarried partners may be able to apply for an available partner visa if they meet the requirements set out in the Immigration Rules. The application must be made at least 12 months before the person intends to enter the UK as an unmarried partner, and it must be accompanied by evidence that the person meets these requirements.

Requirements For Unmarried Partner Visa UK Processing Time?

The UK government has brought new rules for unmarried partners of British citizens.
To qualify for a UK Partner Visa, applicants must have been married for at least two years. Also, they must prove their relationship with their British partner and that they have been living together in a relationship similar to marriage in the United Kingdom for at least two years.

Applicants must also have enough funds to support themselves during their stay in the UK. Their family members will not be permitted to join them on this visa either.

Eligibility For Joining Their Partner For Unmarried Partners

The rules governing unmarried partners joining their partner in the UK are very similar to those that apply to married couples. If they wish to stay together, they must apply for indefinite leave (ILR). This allows them to live together permanently and work in the country without restrictions on their time off or where they can go.

Unmarried couples who wish to register their relationship must be 18 or over, able to provide proof of age and identity, and must live together in the UK. The couple must also intend to continue living together once their civil partnership has been completed. You will be eligible to join your partner as unmarried only if you’ve lived together for at least two years.

UK Unmarried Visa Requirements From Sponsor

The sponsor is required to meet the following requirements:

  • The sponsor must be over 18 years of age and have been living in the UK for at least two years.
  • The sponsor’s partner must have lived in the UK for at least one year.
  • The sponsor must have sufficient funds to support themselves and their family members after they become settled in the UK.
  • The sponsor must demonstrate that they will provide appropriate accommodation, support, and care for their family
  •  members within the UK after they become settled here.

Processing Time of Unmarried Partner Visa in the UK

The current processing time of an application depends on many factors, including:

  • The type of visa applied for
  • The nationality of the applicant
  • The place where the candidate has been residing before applying for a visa
  • If there are any delays in other parts of the process

Once the application for an Unmarried partner visa has been made, it will be taken case by case. The processing time can vary between 2 weeks and three months, depending on the complexity of your application.

Financial needs for partners who are not married

When you start talking about finances, things can get tricky. This can become a problem if either of you has to pay for medical care or other living expenses. If one partner has an income lesser than the other and both want to live on one salary, this can be a big problem too.

 To avoid these problems, there are some things that both unmarried partners need to do:

  • Set up a joint bank account and put all your money in it. This way, both of you know where everything is at all times.
  • Make sure that each person has enough money in their account so they won’t have problems paying bills.
  • Make sure both parties have enough money available to cover any unexpected expenses that may arise.

Documents required for Unmarried Partner Visa UK

The following documents are required for an Unmarried Partner visa UK application-

  • A copy of the passport and any other travel document (if applicable), including a copy of any previous visit visa issued to you by us or our predecessor company or processing company in your country of birth.
  • Original birth certificate)-registered in your country of birth.

Fees for application

  • The first step is to provide your details, including your name, address and nationality.
  • You must submit a police certificate from your home country, proving you are not married to anyone else.
  • After submitting your police certificate, you will be asked to pay a £500 fee on top of the processing fee you paid for your visa application.

How long is the UK Unmarried Partner visa valid in the country?

The maximum time you can live in the UK with an unmarried partner is two years. You must have been living together continuously for at least one year before applying and intend to continue living together indefinitely or until death.

The UK Unmarried partner visa is a temporary residence permit issued to a non-EEA citizen who is already married or in a civil partnership with a UK national and wishes to apply for indefinite leave to remain in the UK.

How can The Legafit assist you with your application for a UK unmarried partner visa?

We know how complicated it can be to try and navigate the UK Visa system alone, so we are here to provide you with professional support throughout your application process.

Our team at Legafit has undergone extensive training to ensure that our service is always up-to-date with the latest immigration rules and regulations. We can also assist with the visa application process for your partner.

Legafit Immigration Experts UK has experience handling all types of UK visa applications, whether for a Tier 1 graduate visa, Tier 2 work permit or any other kind of UK visa. We have helped thousands of couples obtain their visa successfully and can help you.

We will also help you with all the relevant documentation for your application and other immigration requirements, such as employment checks and Police Clearance Certificate, which all have to be provided by you before submitting your application to the Home Office.

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